About PulciGe
PulciGe is a Genoa-based CTF & cybersecurity Team founded in 2022 by a group of students interested in cybersecurity.
The team is located in Genoa (Genova in Italian), Italy.
Our name comes from Pulci, Abbreviation of Pulcini(Chicks).
Our goal is to participate as a Team in CTFs.
If you want to get in touch with us you can write us an email at pulcige@gmail.com or through one of our social networks below.
About CTFs
Capture-The-Flags (better known as CTFs) are competitions where hackers have to solve cybersecurity problems (jeopardy style) and/or capture and defend computer systems (attack-defense style). These competitions consist of a series of challenges that vary in their degree of difficulty, and that require participants to exercise different skillsets to solve.
"Flags" are bits of data that prove you have completed a given task. Players can be lone wolves who attempt the various challenges by themselves, or they can work with others to attempt to score the highest number of points as a team. CTF events are usually timed, and the points are totaled once the time has expired. The winning player/team will be the one that secured the highest score.